Thursday, October 10, 2013

AP Chemistry Question of the Day --47

Welcome back to my blog. Here comes the answer to question 46 I posted earlier. The correct answer is D

Electron affinity is the energy change accompanying the addition of an electron to a gaseous atom. Both F hand Cl have high electron affinity. However, the addition of electron will be introduced to the 2nd shell for F and 3rd shell for Cl. There is more space in the 3rd shell of Cl to release the repulsions among electrons, while in the 2nd shell of fluorine, the repulsions make it less favourable. The overall effect is that Cl has higher electron affinity than F.
Electronegativity is referring to the ability of the atom to pull the shared electrons towards itself in a covalent bond. F has the highest electronegativity.

Following is Question 47 of the series. 

46. Which elements is most abundant on earth?
A. Al
B. Si
C. O
D. N

I will post the answer and explanation tomorrow. 

Thank you very much for reading my post, I am available to discuss any topics in AP chemistry. Please give me a call at 604-808-6827 or email me at My website is located at


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